Upgradeable Property

This property qualifies for a Renovation Loan with no extra work for the realtor!

300 Lowell St, Wakefield, MA

Property Cost Analysis

Purchase Cost:


Renovation Cost:


Upgraded Value:


Buyer’s Equity:


Comparable Properties

We have identified the following area comparables to demonstrate the upgraded future value shown above.
10 White Cir
Sold for $835K
25 Heritage Ln
Sold for $800K
5 Houston St
Sold for $810K

Buyers get the house they want... and equity.

Renovation projects are great for:

PHI are not Realtors and not involved in the sale of these properties.
We provide this free information solely for the benefit of prospective buyers, Realtors, and lenders to expand a current lack of property inventory.
To the best of our knowledge these properties remain available as of the date of publication.